
My swim across the Ocean!

I swam across the ocean today. The Pacific. I’d done it once before. I had such fond memories and wanted to do it again. As was before, the first half hour was difficult. That’s because I was warming up. After that it was a breeze. A few hundred miles into my swim I was joined […]


My Whistling Career

I like to whistle. I’m quite good at it. I’ve made a few albums. One of them was a best-seller in Brazil. It’s called, “Fred Whistles at Carnegie Hall.” It was recorded at a live concert I did back in November before Covid. The royalties I receive from the album sales make up for the […]


Today’s Trip to the Moon!

I took my rocket ship to the Moon and got out and went for a walk. I like the surface of the Moon because it’s soft dust. As the dust flew up into the air I imagined each particle was a miniature Moon. I walked till I got to a crater. I sat on the […]


I like to sing!

This is a picture of me singing. I like to sing. I was built to sing. Talking is okay. Singing is where it’s at. I was singing, “Lah-lah-lah-lah-lah-lah-lah-lah-lah-lah-laahhh!!”


Reflected Fred

When I was toddler Fred I used to look in the mirror and have discussions with myself. My parents were impressed and made cassette recordings. Here’s a transcript of one of my favorites: Fred: Hi Fred! Reflection Fred (RF): Oh, hi Fred! Fred: It’s so nice to see you! RF: As well you! Fred: You […]


I like to be of help

An angel appeared. I asked to what do I owe the honor. The angel said, “I have a torn wing. Can you help?” I said yes, and got out some scotch tape. I applied it to the tear. The angel tested out the wing by flying around the room. The angel said, “Thanks, the wing […]


What the Sun did!

This morning the sun rose up out of the sky obliterating the darkness. The first thought I had was, “What a good idea!”


My tricycle trip around the world

When I was three I decided to tricycle around the world. My parents were excited and felt it would be an educational experience. And they said I would be safe because tricycle’s tires are made of hard thick rubber and can’t get a flat. My mom packed me twenty-five butter and jelly sandwiches and put […]


I made a new friend

I got up in the middle of the night to get some water. That’s when I came upon the creature in my living room. I introduced myself and asked its name. The creature hissed and with arms aloft declared, “I am the King of the Vast Netherworlds!” I said, “Okay, but what do your friends […]


The Secret World of Fred

I often daydreamed when I was a kid in school. The teacher would be going on and on about the subject they were paid to teach and I would be imagining the Secret World of Fred. It was a dazzling world. In this hidden to others land, the Sun would come down from the sky […]